Linux Cubed Series 2: Applications
Linux Cubed Series 2 - Applications.iso
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* *********************************************************************
* * Copyright (C) 1988, 1990 Stanford University. *
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* * makes no representations about the suitability of this *
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* *********************************************************************
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ana.h"
#include "ana_glob.h"
#include "graphics.h"
#define PDMENU_TOP ( bannerBox.bot + 1 )
private MenuItem zoom_menu[] =
{ "in", Zoom },
{ "out", Zoom },
{ NULL }
private MenuItem base_menu[] =
{ "bin", ChangeBase },
{ "oct", ChangeBase },
{ "hex", ChangeBase },
{ NULL }
private MenuItem window_menu[] =
{ "delta T", DeltaT },
{ "move to", MoveToTime },
{ "set width", SetWidth },
{ "name length", SetNameLen },
{ "+scroll", ScrollUpdate },
{ NULL }
private MenuItem print_menu[] =
{ "file", printPS },
{ "+banner", SetPSParms },
{ "-legend", SetPSParms },
{ "+times", SetPSParms },
{ "+outline", SetPSParms },
{ NULL }
public Menu menu[] =
{ "zoom", zoom_menu },
{ "base", base_menu },
{ "window", window_menu },
{ "print", print_menu },
private int inMenu; /* TRUE if mouse is in menu window */
#define PTinBOX( px, py, BOX ) \
( ( (py > (BOX).bot) || (py < (BOX).top ) || \
(px > (BOX).right) || (px < (BOX).left ) ) ? 0 : 1 )
#define ITEMHGT( ITM ) ( (ITM)->bot - (ITM)->top + 1 )
public void InitMenus()
Menu *mp;
MenuItem *item;
int len, maxlen;
Coord ypos;
for( mp = menu; mp->str != NULL; mp++ )
mp->len = strlen( mp->str );
maxlen = 0;
ypos = 0;
for( item = mp->items; item->str != NULL; item++ )
len = strlen( item->str );
if( len > maxlen )
maxlen = len;
item->len = len;
item->top = ypos;
item->bot = ypos + CHARHEIGHT + 1;
ypos += CHARHEIGHT + 2;
mp->width = CHARWIDTH * (maxlen + 2);
mp->height = ypos;
if( mp->w == 0 )
XSetWindowAttributes att;
unsigned long mask;
att.background_pixel = colors.white;
att.border_pixel = colors.black;
att.save_under = True;
att.override_redirect = True;
mask = CWBackPixel|CWBorderPixel|CWOverrideRedirect|CWSaveUnder;
mp->w = XCreateWindow( display, RootWindowOfScreen( screen ),
0, 0, mp->width, mp->height, 1, DefaultDepthOfScreen( screen ),
InputOutput, (Visual *) CopyFromParent, mask, &att );
XSelectInput( display, mp->w, ExposureMask | EnterWindowMask |
LeaveWindowMask | ButtonMotionMask | ButtonPressMask |
ButtonReleaseMask );
private void PutUpMenu( m )
Menu *m;
Coord x, y, sx, sy;
Window w;
sx = (m->box.right + m->box.left - m->width) / 2 + 1;
XTranslateCoordinates( display, window, RootWindowOfScreen( screen ),
sx, sy, &x, &y, &w );
if( x < 0 )
x = 0;
else if( x + m->width > WidthOfScreen( screen ) )
x = WidthOfScreen( screen ) - m->width;
if( x < 0 )
y = 0;
else if( y + m->height > HeightOfScreen( screen ) )
y = HeightOfScreen( screen ) - m->height;
XMoveWindow( display, m->w, x, y );
XMapRaised( display, m->w );
GrabMouse( m->w, EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | ButtonMotionMask |
ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask, cursors.deflt );
XFlush( display );
private void DrawMenu( m )
Menu *m;
MenuItem *item;
char *s;
int len;
for( item = m->items; item->str != NULL; item++ )
s = item->str;
len = item->len;
if( *s == MENU_UNMARK )
s++; len--;
else if( *s == MENU_MARK )
s++; len--;
XCopyArea( display, pix.chk, m->w, gcs.black, 0, 0, 6, 8, 1,
(item->top + item->bot - 8)/2 );
StrCenter( m->w, s, len, 0, m->width - 1, item->bot - 1, gcs.black );
private MenuItem *MouseMoved( m, sel, y )
Menu *m;
MenuItem *sel;
Coord y;
MenuItem *new;
if( not inMenu or y < 0 or y > m->height )
new = NULL;
for( new = m->items; y > new->bot; new++ );
if( new != sel )
if( sel != NULL )
InvAREA( m->w, 0, sel->top, m->width, ITEMHGT( sel ) );
if( new != NULL )
InvAREA( m->w, 0, new->top, m->width, ITEMHGT( new ) );
return( new );
public void DoMenu( x, y )
Coord x, y;
XEvent ev;
Menu *m;
MenuItem *select;
int button_down;
for( m = menu; m->str != NULL; m++ )
if( PTinBOX( x, y, m->box ) )
if( m->str == NULL ) /* should never happen */
InvBox( window, m->box );
PutUpMenu( m );
inMenu = FALSE;
select = NULL;
button_down = TRUE;
while( button_down )
XNextEvent( display, &ev );
switch( ev.type )
case Expose :
if( ev.xexpose.window == m->w )
DrawMenu( m );
case EnterNotify :
if( ev.xcrossing.window == m->w )
inMenu = TRUE;
x = ev.xcrossing.x;
y = (x < 0 or x > m->width) ? -1 : ev.xcrossing.y;
select = MouseMoved( m, select, y );
case LeaveNotify :
if( ev.xcrossing.window == m->w )
inMenu = FALSE;
select = MouseMoved( m, select, ev.xcrossing.y );
case MotionNotify :
if( ev.xmotion.window == m->w )
select = MouseMoved( m, select, ev.xmotion.y );
case ButtonRelease :
button_down = FALSE;
default : ;
if( select != NULL )
InvAREA( m->w, 0, select->top, m->width, ITEMHGT(select) );
XUngrabPointer( display, CurrentTime );
XUnmapWindow( display, m->w );
XFlush( display );
InvBox( window, m->box );
if( select != NULL )
(*select->func)( select->str );